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Export structure of German machinery industry 2022

8% of the export countries taking 72% of the machine exports from Germany

The export structure of machines from Germany is highly concentrated.

Update May 22nd, 2023 - In 2022 the German machinery industry exported worldwide to 238 countries. But only 20 countries take almost three quarters of all exports of machines. To put it into percentages:

  • 8% of the export countries take 72% of the machine exports.


Analyzing these 20 countries it shows up that they are divided into two groups being symmetrical to each other.

Ten countries of the EU take almost 40% of all machine exports

45% of all exports of machines from Germany went to the EU countries in 2022. Sorting out those countries with the highest export shares of machines from Germany, 10 EU countries crystallize.


These 10 countries of the European Union raise alone 84% of the machine exports going from Germany to the EU.


These cited 10 European Union countries are in the order of their export shares in the year 2022: France (7.0%), Italy (5.0%), Poland (4.6%), The Netherlands (4.6%), Austria (4.3%), Czech Republic (3.0%), Spain (2.7%), Belgium (2.5%), Hungary (2.3%), Sweden (2.0%).


At the same time these ten countries show a share of 38% (exactly 37,9%) at the worldwide exports of machines from Germany covering just 4% (exactly 4.2%) of all export countries.

The export structure of the German machinery industry 2022.

Ten countries outside of the EU ask for further 34% of all machine exports

The four BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India and China form 2% (exactly 1.7%) of the export countries. These countries asked for 14% (exactly 13.9%) of all machine exports from Germany in 2022.


The four MIST countries Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea und Turkey constitute likewise 2% (exactly 1.7%) of the export countries with a share of 6% (5.6%) at the machine exports from Germany.


The two countries, the USA and Japan, stand for 1% (exactly 0.8%) of the export countries and a share of 14% (exactly 13.8%) at the machine exports from Germany.


Also these three groups add up to 10 countries with a share of 34% (exactly 33.3%) at the worldwide exports of machine from Germany.


So the export structure of the German mechanical engineering industry may be summarized in short:


  • 38% of the worldwide exported machines go from Germany to 10 EU countries (4% of all export countries) and further 34% of the exports take further 10 countries outside the EU.


The remaining, 28% (exactly 28,4%) of the exports, is distributed over 92% (exactly 91.6%) of all export countries, i.e. 218 countries.

Concentration of the export structure stable since world economic crisis of 2008/09

In 2008 the 20 countries covered 71% of all machine exports from Germany. This share stood at 73% three years later, dropped to 71% five years afterwards und has been at 73% since 2018.


So this highly concentrated export structure is basically stable since the world economic crisis 2008/2009. Likewise firmly high remains the risk as the weal and woe of Germany's machine export depends on twenty countries resp. 8% of its export countries.